PHWYBS Phantom Travel Handbook (Click to open file)
Revised 04/09/2019
Table of Contents

Welcome and Overview ................................................................................................................................. 3
Mission Statement ...................................................................................................................................... 3
PHWYBS Travel Baseball Mission Statement ........................................................................................... 3
Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................................................................... 3
Phantoms Player Agent (PPA)................................................................................................................ 3
Team Manager ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Coach ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Pre-Season ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Key Activities Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 4
Team Manager Folder / Binder............................................................................................................... 4
Team Roster ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Registration Forms ................................................................................................................................. 5
Registration Process ............................................................................................................................... 6
Team Manager & Coach Meeting .......................................................................................................... 6
Families & Coach Meeting ............................................................................................................................. 6
Communication & Planning ........................................................................................................................... 7
E-mail Bulletins ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Telephone Trees ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Phantoms League Meetings ............................................................................................................................ 8
Schedule / Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 8
Phantoms Mandatory Coaches/TM meeting ........................................................................................... 8
Financial Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 8
Phantom Fees ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Team Fees ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Team Budget .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Fundraising ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Banking (Full-Time travel only) ........................................................................................................... 11
Reporting (Full-Time travel only) ........................................................................................................ 11
Coach Payments / Milestones ............................................................................................................... 11
Team Equipment .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Uniforms ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Optional Apparel and Fanwear ............................................................................................................. 12
First Aid Kits ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Nutrition and Water .............................................................................................................................. 12 League Play .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Travel Schedule .................................................................................................................................... 13
Phantom Teams .................................................................................................................................... 13
NSBL League ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Checklist for League Games ................................................................................................................. 13
Game Cancellations .............................................................................................................................. 14
Tournaments ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Local ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Out of State ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Travel Arrangements ............................................................................................................................ 14
Post-Season .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Travel Team Manager Selection ........................................................................................................... 15
Travel Team Base Number of Teams ................................................................................................... 16
Player Evaluations ................................................................................................................................ 16
Next Season’s Tryouts .......................................................................................................................... 16
A Message to Parents ................................................................................................................................... 18
PHWYBS Travel Team Eligibility Policies and Requirements .................................................................... 19
PHWYBS Travel Baseball Code of Conduct ............................................................................................... 20
I. Philosophy and Objectives of the PHWYBS Travel Baseball Program. ........................................... 20
II. Dress and Appearance ...................................................................................................................... 20
III. Player Conduct ............................................................................................................................... 20
IV. Practice and Game Attendance ....................................................................................................... 21
PHWYBS Protection of Pitchers Guidelines ................................................................................................ 22
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Welcome and Overview

Mission Statement
The PHWYBS program is designed to provide healthy recreation in an environment where a child can have fun as well as the opportunity to develop physical skills, teamwork and sportsmanship through working with others. Competitiveness should come from the game itself and not from emphasis on the score. The objective of PHWYBS shall be to implement firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority so that they may be well adjusted, stronger and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy and trustworthy citizens.
PHWYBS Travel Baseball Mission Statement
PHWYBS Travel Program was created by PHWYBS to provide a higher level of competition for talented and motivated players who are willing to commit a great deal of time to the improvement of their skills in a team focused environment. Teams will work hard to win games, but winning will never become more important than teamwork and good sportsmanship. PHWYBS Travel Program will ask players to work toward excellence, not perfection. Baseball/Softball is a fun and challenging game that requires players to develop the ability to overcome mistakes and to look forward to their next opportunity. Ultimately, the development of skills and team focused play is the guideline for our program, which we believe will create better players and better people.
Roles and Responsibilities
Phantoms Player Agent (PPA)
The PHWYBS Board will determine a Phantoms Player Agent for each new board year. The Phantoms Player Agent shall be responsible for the general oversight of the Travel Program and the PHWYBS King of Lions Tournament.
The Phantoms Player Agent will present team manager recommendations to the PHWYBS Board for approval prior to appointing a team manager. Once approved by the PHWYBS Board, the manager will then be responsible for the operation and oversight of all activities associated with their travel team. Up to two (2) additional coaches may be named to help the manager run the team, and team parents can be used to handle other duties such as scheduling, uniform sizing, etc.
All Managers, Coaches, and Volunteers are subject to PHWYBS Board Approval and must complete a PHWYBS Code of Conduct form in addition to a background check.
The Phantoms Player Agent has the option to assemble a Committee, chaired by the Phantoms Player Agent and composed of a subset of members of PHWYBS. Such a committee may be formed to review Travel policies, act as a steering committee, or for any other reason deemed necessary.
The PHWYBS Board will identify the incoming Phantoms Player Agent no later than the September Board meeting; however, the outgoing Player Agent should determine the fall tryouts dates as a final responsibility for the new Player Agent to oversee. At all times, the PHWYBS Board will have oversight and final say regarding issues that pertain to the PHWYBS Travel Program.
Team Manager
The team manager plays a key role in the success of the team and season. The job description includes:
• COMMUNICATE! - Not only schedules but also expectations and information from and to the coach(es) about the season plan. This requires being at many practices and games especially at the beginning to establish rapport and to find out the needs of families, players and coach(es).
• Help create an atmosphere of cooperation.
• Recruit volunteers for team and Phantoms needs - delegate! Ask for help! People like to be involved and if you can break down jobs into smaller pieces, families can contribute more easily.
• Educate yourself and your parents as much as possible - about the Phantom’s philosophy and policies, the game of baseball - rules, strategies, etc. and the roles of all participants.
• Familiarize yourself with the PHWYBS web site
• The coaches of the PHWYBS Phantoms make a commitment to:
• Be a good role model for our players
• Have a practice plan as well as a season plan
• Always attend practices and games well-prepared
• Maintain high standards and assist players in achieving them
• Provide regular feedback to players on their progress through written and verbal communication
• Be open to suggestions and comments from the Phantoms parents, and players

Key Activities Checklist
• Obtain Binder.
• Create a Team Roster.
• Submit player, team, and coach registration materials.
• Meet with coach(s) for season planning.
• Create a pre-season practice schedule with coach.
• Schedule a pre-season meeting for parents.
• Create team budget.
• Prepare meeting materials.
Team Manager Folder / Binder
The Team Manager will be assembling, collecting, and distributing a large number of paper documents, such as rosters, Code of Conduct forms, schedules, directions to fields, contact numbers, and other materials. These will need to be readily accessible during practices and games. Consequently, it is strongly recommended that the Team Manager obtain a folder or binder for storage of key documents.
Best Practice
★ Keep essential forms (e.g., medical liability) in a three ring binder with a plastic sleeve for each player. This can also be used to store other team materials that are frequently referenced.
Team Roster
The Team Manager is responsible for assembling a team roster. The roster serves two purposes. First, it is an organizer that the team manager, coach, or players can use when attempting to contact teammates.
Second, some tournaments and leagues require submission of a team roster in advance of participation.
While the format of the contact roster is left to the discretion of the Team Manager, it needs to include player, coach, and team manager contact information. Furthermore, it should list contact details such as parent or guardian names, home addresses, e-mail addresses, and home and cell numbers. This is then gathered and stored in a spreadsheet or Word Processing document and distributed to other team members.
Best Practice
★ Obtain email addresses and set up a broadcast list. This will GREATLY simplify your life, especially with last minute game or tournament information. Request families reply so you know that they have received the information. Be aware that not all families have regular access to e-mail; plan to make phone calls or hand out hard copies also.
Registration Forms
Once a player is assigned to a team, each player must complete and submit the following forms and appropriate Phantoms Fees to the Team Manager. Most forms can be found on the PHWYBS website. Typically, the Team Manager is responsible for distributing and collecting the documentation in a timely manner, although in some instances in the lower age groups the PPA may also coordinate this. If responsibility is unclear, the Team Manager should check with their PPA.
Form / Document | Obtain From | Give To | Due |
Player Registration Form | PHWYBS Website | PPA | 15 September (U11 & up) 15 March (U9 - U10) 15 May (U8) |
Notarized Liability and Medical Release* | PHWYBS Website | Team Manager Retains | As soon as practices begin |
Proof of Age Document** | Player’s Family | Team Binder Copy PPA | At time of registration |
Code of Conduct | PHWYBS Website | Team Manager Retains | At time of registration |
Background Check (Coach(es) and Team Managers only) if not completed from house league | PHWYBS Website | PPA | At time of Manager /Coach selection |
* Liability and Medical Release must be notarized for teams traveling out of state for tournaments.
**Acceptable types of Proof of Age documentation are listed in the bullets below. PHWYBS will NOT accept hospital, baptismal, or religious certificates as proof of age.
Acceptable Proof of Age documents:
• Copy of official Birth Certificate • Certificate issued by Immigration and
• Uniformed Services Identification and Naturalization Service attesting to Age Privilege card (DD Form 11730) • Driver’s License
• Board of Health Records • Certification of a United States Citizen
• Passport born abroad issued by the appropriate
• Alien Registration Card issued by US government agency Government
Registration Process
The team manager will submit a Team Roster, all player Registration Forms, Proof of Age documents (for previously unregistered players), and Fees to the PPA for processing two weeks prior to the deadline.
Note: the Liability and Medical Release Form and Code of Conduct are retained by the Team Manager and kept on file and at hand. The Liability and Medical Release may be needed in the event medical treatment is required for a player in the absence of a parent or guardian. Keep one copy in the team handbook, make an extra copy and store it in a ziplock bag in the First Aid Kit.
Team Manager & Coach Meeting
• The Team Manager is responsible for having an initial meeting with the coach/es to sketch out the season.
• This conversation can be fairly wide ranging, but should cover topics such as:
• Identification of season goals
• Coach(es) expectations for number of practices, games, and tournaments
• Calendar of events, including pre-season training
• Calculation of team budget based on the above (13/14 Full Time Teams see finance section)
• Parent Meeting Agenda
Families & Coach Meeting

The Team Manager is responsible for helping the coach, players, and families work together for a successful season. Frequently, this starts with a team meeting where goals and expectations can be communicated and discussed by all parties. The team manager should plan on convening a team parent meeting prior the start of the season. For 11U – 14U teams, this may occur as early as September or October. For less 8U – 10U , this can take place in the spring. Typical agenda topics include:
• Introduction of self (team manager) players and parent(s) / guardian(s); Boys/Girls, Coach(es) and any volunteers who have already stepped forward
• The coach should present his or her credentials, and goals for the team and outline expectations for players and families (how early before a game players should arrive, philosophy regarding practice, absences, playing time, etc.)
• Review team roster for accuracy of addresses, telephone (home, business and cell) numbers, email addresses, etc.
• Address the need for everyone’s help: describe volunteer opportunities
• Circulate the volunteer list (see Appendix) and encourage every family sign up for at least one position
• Present practice schedule - any carpooling opportunities or needs?
• Discuss any tournament dates
• Propose the budget and payment schedule; discuss with parents
• Discuss preferred methods of communication
• Distribute forms and set deadlines for return of completed forms
• Registration forms (Team manager may be responsible for collecting registration forms, birth certificates for new players, and Team fees. If this needs to be done, do as much as possible at this meeting.)
• Health/Emergency Medical Release form
• Players Code of Conduct
• Parents Code of Conduct
• Player/Adult Protection Guidelines
• Player Safety – discuss the fact that it is everyone's responsibility to care for our youth. No adult (including the coach) should be left alone with players and players should not be left alone waiting for rides. During the outdoor season, everyone should be responsible for checking the playing area
for rocks, sticks, etc. and making sure the field is safe. Ensure an adult is with younger siblings attending the event who may wander off to the nearest playground
• Distribute calendar/schedule for winter training; discuss playing nights for league play, dates for proposed tournaments
• Stress the need to communicate absences from both practices and games as early as possible to coach or manager
• (provide phone number or e-mail address, whichever is preferred); at older ages this becomes players’ responsibility
• Have treasurer collect checks
• Travel details? (also see Appendix for Travel Code of Conduct)
• Questions
Best Practices
★ If families can bring medical insurance information and their checkbook to this meeting, a lot of work can be accomplished at this time.
★ Pair up players in need of assistance with transportation with other players at the Parent's meeting.
★ Create a folder for each family with: roster, health/emergency form, Player/Adult Protection Guidelines, Code of Conducts, and agenda for meeting to include: practice schedule, proposed budget, tournament schedule, and list of volunteer jobs to be filled.
Communication & Planning

E-mail Bulletins
The Team Manager is responsible for all communication with the players’ families. Parents and guardians appreciate regular biweekly or weekly e-mails detailing essential information. Typical topics will include:
The upcoming week’s practice and game schedule
Travel directions (often available on the Phantoms website)
Tournaments details
Travel arrangements
Parent action Items (such as team payments, paper work due dates, etc...)
Best Practices
★ Include links to web based maps, such as Google Maps, to describe field locations ★ Use an Online Team Calendar to publish dates and times of events.
Telephone Trees
The Team Manager is responsible for communicating last minute changes to team members.
For cancellations of events due to inclement weather or last minute change of venues, it is necessary to communicate personally with each family to be sure the message is received. This is why a telephone tree is important. Be sure to include directions at the bottom of your telephone tree explaining the need to talk to an adult in person from each household, and to continue down the branch until every family is personally reached. Cell phone numbers are very important for these instances.
Phantoms League Meetings

Schedule / Parameters
The Phantoms will assign competitive teams to a specific District. The District is responsible for operation of the league, including the scheduling of games. Generally in March or April, the District will call a “Parameters” meeting and invite the team managers within the assigned league to attend. The sole purpose of this meeting is to review a DRAFT of the schedule and make adjustments prior to publishing the final version. The DRAFT will conform to the Phantoms published playing nights for that age group and bracket. (
At this meeting, the team manager can unilaterally identify dates in which the team is not able to play (e.g. scheduled out of town tournaments, expected coach or player absences, etc.) and arrange with other team managers for alternative playing dates. The specific rules for making these adjustments are communicated during the course of the meeting.
Approximately two weeks after this meeting the District will produce a final league schedule. Thereafter, any adjustments to the schedule must be made with the consent of the opposing team AND the league.
The Team Manager is responsible for attending the meeting and making appropriate adjustments to the draft schedule.
Best Practices
★ Communicate the Phantoms published playing nights to parents and coaches in advance of this meeting and identify any potential conflicts. If necessary, be prepared to make changes to the DRAFT schedule to accommodate such conflicts.
Phantoms Mandatory Coaches/TM meeting
A mandatory coaches meeting is generally held in late April or early May. The actual date is posted on the PHWYBS Calendar or sent via email. Much of the information in the coach's packet pertains to administrative duties targeted for the Team Manager. For instance, the packet will include materials and instructions such as:
• Phantoms Handbook
• Rosters
• Instructions for Calling in Scores
• Rescheduling procedures, along with a host of other materials.
The Team Manager is responsible for familiarizing him or herself with these materials and ensuring that these instructions are adhered to throughout the season. Consequently, it is important for the Team Manager to review the information handed out at this meeting and to understand the rules and policies of the league.
Financial Requirements

While this section, particularly those that speak to keeping a separate account from the house league apply to the PHWYBS Full-Time travel teams, several of the general areas in this section apply to all Phantoms teams.
The level of financial complexity involved in operating a team is dependent on the competitive nature of the team, the number of leagues and tournaments in which they participate, and the level of off-season training. This section speaks to the team manager’s responsibility in this regard. For those teams that have a significant financial commitment, the team manager may find it easier to engage another parent or guardian to act as treasurer.
The Team Manager or Team Treasurer is responsible for working with players and their families in setting a budget, collecting payments, and handling all payables.
Generally speaking, fees can be broken into two categories, Phantom fees and team fees.
Phantom Fees
On behalf of each team, PHWYBS or the Full Time Travel Team Treasurer (Full Time travel teams) will provide payments to MSBL/NSBL and other entities covering league registration, referee costs, field rentals for league games, coach training and development, and other MSBL/NSBL benefits. Also included in Phantom fees are other expenses incurred by the Phantom related to team registration, coaching, and administrative costs. The per player amount differs by age group.
The Team Manager should collect this amount from each player and pay it with the registration materials.
Once a player has registered with the Phantom (i.e. submitted a registration form and fee) and accepted placement on a team, there is typically no refund of the Phantom registration fee. (See Refund Policy in Appendix for a more complete explanation.)
Team Fees
Team fees are additional costs, which are not included in the Phantom registration fee and are collected by each team. The amount varies depending on the team’s activities and level of competition. These costs could include uniforms, travel, tournament fees, additional training, and coach salaries and expenses. Ideally at tryouts and in advance of team selection, the Team Manager will provide an indication of approximate costs so that players and their families are aware of the expected financial burden.
Team Budget
The Team Manager (or designated Team Treasurer) is responsible for creating a team budget that reflects the level of anticipated costs associated with the various team activities and presenting these figures for approval to the players’ families at the initial Parent/Guardian meeting. In addition, the Team Manager or Team Treasurer is responsible for tracking player payments. House League: Once all payments have been received, hand the payments in to the PPA who will receipt and in turn provide to the PHWYBS treasurer for deposit.
Prior to the collection of any funds from player’s parents, each Team Business Manager or Treasurer shall present a budget to the PPA and to Players’ Parents by 10/31 of that year. The budget shall contain a good faith estimate or receipts and distributions for the upcoming year and must be balanced.
Budgets will vary depending on the age group, level of competitiveness, and scope of their activities. A simple sample might include the following items. The values below are representative of a team that intends to travel out of state, will play in several tournaments, and the families of all 12 players are able to contribute financially.
A Sample FULL TIME sample budget appears on the following page.
Description | Player | Team |
MSBL/NSBL Registration, Insurance, League Play, State Tournament?, Phantom Admin, Field (submitted to Phantom with registration paperwork) | $125.00 | $1,500.00 |
Phantom Fee Total | $125.00 | $1,500.00 |
Winter Training: Indoor Facilities | $83.33 | $1,000.00 |
Team Fees: Coaching, Uniform, Equipment, Incidentals | $183.33 | $2,200.00 |
Tournament Fees: Others... | $125.00 | $1,500.00 |
Travel: Hotel, Travel, Coaches' per diem, etc... | $20.83 | $250.00 |
# of Players on Team - 12 | 12 | |
Team Fee Total | $412.50 | $4,950.00 |
Total Fees | $537.50 | $6,450.00 |
-Fundraising Event | $41.67 | $500.00 |
-Sponsorship | $83.33 | $1,000.00 |
-Income Activities | $125.00 | $1,500.00 |
=Player Commitment | $412.50 | $4,950.00 |
Best Practices
When creating a team budget with scholarship players, it is important to calculate per player contributions by dividing the total expected team expense by less than the total number of players. (In the case above, you would divide team expenses by 11 and not 12 if you had one scholarship. )
If families overpay initially, the payments can be adjusted at the end. It’s much more difficult to collect money at the end of the season than it is at the beginning.
Create a payment plan for teams with larger budgets to accommodate families' abilities to pay over time.
Send out a financial report to all team parents and guardians at the completion of the season.
Teams may attempt to raise funds to cover team related expenses such as coaching fees, travel cost, tournament fees, as well as contribute to covering the costs of scholarship athletes. Past fundraisers have included car washes, and sales of various kinds.
It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to provide oversight of any fundraising activities and ensure those activities comply with Phantom guidelines.
If the team elects to participate in a fundraising plan, it is important it comply with the guidelines. In particular, the PHWYBS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and charitable trust. As such, the PHWYBS and any
Phantoms team CANNOT SOLICIT CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS. The team CAN, however, accept
charitable contributions, The reason we are not a public charity, thereby being able to solicit contributions, relates to the additional costs and procedures required, which simply are not justified for an organization such as ours at this time. Therefore, it is imperative that PHWYBS and all the teams in the Phantoms NOT SOLICIT CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS. Again, if you receive a contribution without solicitation, that's fine. Fundraisers are acceptable, too, if we are providing goods or services in exchange for money.
Banking (Full-Time travel only)
Upon formation of the team, the team business manager or treasurer should open a team specific account
(or complete a signature card to change the designation on an existing account) at Chase Bank-Arlington Heights in coordination with the PHWYBS Treasurer. Use of this particular bank is important because it facilitates the easy transfer of funds from the team to the Phantom for payment of coaches, training, field rental, etc.
There are two account types:
1. Savings Account: Withdrawals in the form of a cashier’s check may be obtained to cover team expenses.
2. Checking Account: Must balance monthly.
Reporting (Full-Time travel only)
Each Team Business Manager or Treasurer must present a uniformed financial statement to the Travel
Committee and to the parents of each team member at the end of the Fall Season and at the end of the Spring Season. In addition, each time shall furnish the Treasurer a quarterly financial statement or upon request by the Treasurer. Each financial statement shall state the source and the amount of funds actually received by the Team and shall set forth the actual expenditures for the year-to-date. The Spring Financial Statement shall disclose the total amount received for the year and the recipient of any excess funds distributed at the end of the year. Each team will be allowed to maintain an amount to be agreed upon by the Executive Board so long as that amount is in accordance with Non-Profit status as outlined by the IRS. The balance of funds received by a Travel Team during the year must be distributed at the end of the year.
Any refund of excess parental contributions for the year shall be made within thirty (30) days of that teams’ final game or August 31st of that year, whichever is first. Any money in the excess of parental contributions becomes the property of the team.
Timing of purchases cannot be used to circumvent the refund procedure of the team’s excess funds.
Any equipment expenditures are subject to Board approval (2/3 majority vote) and will be split evenly between all teams.
All teams should have a minimum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) in reserve to accommodate emergency expenditures.
All teams must submit a uniformed quarterly Financial Statement to PHWYBS Treasurer on 9/30, 12/30, 3/30, 5/15 and a Final Statement on 6/30 of the playing year.
Coach Payments / Milestones
For teams with paid coaches, the Phantom will contact the team manager in advance of the Phantom’s issuing payment. The Phantom Treasurer will ask the team manager to confirm that required milestones have been met (e.g.. completion of player evaluations) and require the team to submit a payment to the Phantom, or funds will be transferred from the team account to the Phantom account. The team manager is responsible for validating milestones and executing or authorizing payment to the Phantom. The team should not make salary payments to the coach directly; these need to be directed through the Phantom. The team should, however, directly reimburse the coach for team approved expenses such as equipment purchases or travel expenses for a tournament.
Team Equipment

The ordering process will be as follows:
1. Team Manager or team uniform coordinator distributes player order forms to each player/family.
2. After sizing, each player provides the team uniform coordinator with payment and completed order form. Keep in mind the deadline for doing this so your team will have uniforms for their first game. (U9 and older deadline will be earlier than U8).
3. The team manager or team uniform coordinator consolidates player order forms onto a single team order sheet. The team uniform coordinator then provides ordering information and payments to the Phantoms Uniform Coordinator by the deadline. Order forms and payments should be sent to the PPA
4. When the order has been filled, the PPA will notify the Phantoms Uniform Coordinator to let them know that the order is ready to be picked up. Teams will be notified and the team manager or uniform coordinator should pick up the uniforms, check the order at the time of pick-up to be sure that everything is correct, and distribute the uniforms to the players.
Optional Apparel and Fanwear (under development)
Optional Apparel (bags, caps, etc.) and Fanwear (sweatshirts, t-shirts, jackets, etc.) are available from the Phantoms. Follow the same procedure for uniforms - distributing the forms to each family, consolidating the order, and submitting the order with complete payment to the Phantoms Apparel Coordinator who will contact you when the order is available for pick-up.
Up-to-date order forms with prices are on the PHWYBS website.
• Team orders will be placed four times a year: 02/01, 04/01, 08/01, 11/01. The pricing listed is based on volume discounts and is less expensive than individual orders.
• Players or families can provide _________________________ with Individual orders at any time. However, individual orders are priced higher.
First Aid Kits
Each team should have a first aid kit on the sidelines at all times - during practices, games, and training. Within the kit should be a copy of every player’s medical release form and emergency numbers.
Note: do not supply medications to players (ibuprofen, etc.). Encourage players to create their own personal supply for their own bag that may cover needs such as asthma medications, bee allergy medications, etc. Make sure the parent is involved whenever there is medication being used.
Best Practice
★ Copy forms, keep the original to have handy in the manager’s binder, and place the copy in a ziplock bag in the First Aid Kit. Let the coach know that the forms are there.
Nutrition and Water
Team managers, coaches, and parents should work together to make sure kids are getting enough to eat and plenty of fluids - especially during tournaments. Common in, though not limited to, young adolescent girls are eating disorders especially prevalent among motivated, driven athletes. If signs of lost weight, fatigue, tiredness, depression, vocalized issues with body and its appearance, etc. are seen then the coach and manager must talk to the parent to decide how to best address the issue. Proper hydration is key especially in the extreme heat of Chicago area summers or dry air in indoor situations. Encouraging players to drink plenty of water is important.
League Play
Travel Schedule
(It is reasonable to expect that teams may fall outside of this range from time to time, but the following guidelines should be a target number of games for each age group and any variance in excess of 10% of the guideline should be approved by the Phantoms Player Agent prior to scheduling.)
Phantom Teams
8U’s – 3 - 4 Tournaments (10 – 15 Games)
9U’s – 12U’s – 2 Tournaments and the NSBL (20 – 25 Games)
13U – 14U Full Time Travel including MSBL, NSBL and Tournaments
Full-Time Travel Team “Official” Season
The “Official” Spring/Summer Season shall be from April 1st through July 31st. During the official season a player may have travel and/or house league events up to 5 – 6 days per week. Any travel team that plans on playing beyond July 31st must receive approval from the Phantoms Player Agent prior to playing in any additional games. During the “official” season a player is not allowed to miss more than 7 travel events (team meetings, games, or practices). Winter team practices and/or workouts are strictly optional.
All Fall League and/or tournament teams that play games outside of our “Official” season are not affiliated with PHWYBS or PHWYBS Travel Baseball. PHWYBS is not responsible for teams that are formed to play games outside of our “Official” season and/or any team other than the team identified as a PHWYBS Travel Baseball team.
On the rare occasion that a PHWYBS Travel team is required to play a game before April 1st or after July 31st, they must first notify the Phantoms Player Agent for approval. If approval is granted, PHWYBS will continue to be affiliated with that team, but only for the approved game(s). We consider any fall and/or tournament team, which is not formed by PHWYBS, as independent of PHWYBS. Participation on teams that are independent of PHWYBS will not have any influence on future PHWYBS Travel team selections. The improvement a player makes as a result of their participation in these leagues can and may have a result in the positive development of their skills in the following years or any additional tryout apportunities.
NSBL League
Prior to the start of each season, the NSBL provides an official manual that documents the policies and procedures that will guide the league for that season. This includes details for how to handle a number of situations, such as rescheduling games, reporting scores, and game specific paperwork. This information is subject to periodic updates and modifications. Rather than repeat this information within this guide, the Team Manager is responsible for obtaining a copy of this manual and ensuring that the team abide by the policies and rules stated therein. Find the NSBL Rules on the web:
Checklist for League Games
9 Make sure all families have a complete roster and a schedule of games with directions to the fields.
9 If far away, consider contacting the opposing coach or manager to confirm time and field directions 48 hours in advance. One phone call can save a lot of confusion and frustration.
9 Encourage carpooling to games - rush hour traffic and road construction can make it difficult to have players at the game on time (20 - 30 minutes before game time).
9 Remind players to always have all parts of their uniform, as well as cups, gloves, bats, cleats, water bottle, etc.
9 Home games – confirm with the field equipment volunteer – bases, etc. should be set up 30 minutes prior to game; game ball ready. Be pro-active in establishing friendly settings before the game with referees, and opposing coaches, managers, families and players. At home games we are hosts and should act accordingly.
9 Prepare the Lineup Card You will need jersey numbers for all players. Enter names and information for any call-up players.
9 1st Aid Kit – make sure the coach has one in their possession & copies of the medical forms are in it.
9 Always have players and families pick up any trash (tape, wrappers, plastic bottles, etc.) before leaving the field.
Assign as many of these tasks as possible to parent volunteers. Do not feel you need to do everything on your own. Everyone on the team can do something, no matter how small the task. This truly builds team spirit!
Game Cancellations
It is the responsibility of the umpire or field director, NOT the Team Manager, to cancel a game. For this reason, unless the Team Manager has been notified of a cancellation in advance by the umpire or the PPA, the team is expected to arrive at the game field on time and prepared to play. See NSBL Rules for rescheduling guidelines.
Local tournaments are an excellent way of complementing the regular league schedule with a bit of fun on the weekends.
Many tournaments may be found on the eteamz website. This may also include both local and distant tournaments. For some tournaments that run at capacity, early registration is required. However, deals can also be had at the last minutes for local tournaments hoping to fill out a bracket. In practice, file early for those tournaments which your team definitely wishes to participate and be flexible with opportunities for others.
Out of State
Generally, out of state tournaments are not recommended for teams at the younger ages - U10 and below.
Early registration is critical. All in-state tournaments should be completed by March 1, and out of state tournaments should be completed at least two weeks prior to the deadline date.
Travel Arrangements
Travel to distant away games, particularly those requiring overnight stays, is much anticipated and can be extremely rewarding and enjoyable. These trips do, however, require a significant amount of planning, coordination and family participation and expense. The Team Manager is responsible for organizing a parent/guardian meeting well in advance of such an undertaking to organize and decide on significant issues such as:
• Transportation
• Booking and payment of hotel accommodations
• Room arrangements
• Chaperones / Supervision
• Meals
• Player expectations
• Curfew policy
• Hotel behavior
• Appropriate entertainment
Best Practices
★ This is an excellent opportunity for the team manager to engage additional parent/guardian volunteers to take responsibility for organizing specific trips.
★ Most tournament officials will make an attempt to accommodate travel needs. For instance, if traveling some length, you may request the organizer refrain from scheduling the team to a Friday evening game.
★ Book hotel rooms well in advance. Nobody wants to sleep in a van next to the river.
★ A common practice is for the organizer to book a “block” of rooms under his or her name. The number of rooms depends on rooming arrangements (players staying with their families or in player rooms?) and the expected number of additional families. Remind the parents early and often to contact the hotel directly to confirm their own rooms with the credit card information.
★ Have players and families sign the Blackhawk Travel Code of Conduct (see Appendix). This can be a helpful tool for discussing behavior expectations in advance of any team travel.
Travel Permits
• Out-of-state tournaments may require an PHWYBS issued travel approval. Contact the PPA for additional information.
• Players listed on the official roster at the time of travel and any guest players listed on the appropriate form will be considered the traveling players to the tournament. Those players will be covered by PHWYBS Association liability insurance during time of travel.
• There may be exclusions.
• The Team Manager is responsible for understanding when a travel permit is required and submitting the appropriate paperwork and registration to obtain the permit.
Travel Team Manager Selection
Any parent wishing to Manage and/or Coach a Travel Team must work with the Phantoms Player Agent to apply for a position. Selections will be made based on the PHWYBS Manager Selection Criteria. The Player Agent may ask for documentation or references that support any claims made by an applicant.
For returning travel managers, the Player Agent shall conduct a survey of all participants on their prior travel team. In addition the Player Agent may extend the investigation (of the prior season) to any lengths that is deemed necessary. This review may include; contact with league and tournament officials, umpires, and/or managers of opposing teams. After this review process, the Player Agent will determine if the returning manger should be considered for approval to manage or coach again. Returning managers (who are in good standing with PHWYBS) will be given priority during the selection process due to the enormous time commitment they have made in the past.
The manager selection process should be completed no later than September 1st for teams that tryout in the fall (11’s – 14’s) and two weeks prior to the announcement of the Spring (9’s & 10’s) tryouts.
Manager selection at the U8 level will be conducted following U8 tryouts. All candidates for this position must work with the Phantoms Player Agent to declare their interest. Provided an interested candidate’s child is ranked in the top 14 players, they can be considered for the Manager/Coach position. Selection of the Managers and Coaches will then be made based on the PHWYBS Manager Selection Criteria. Once concluded, the Manager will be given evaluation data to select the team (see Team Selection).
A Manager will be allowed to name up to two (2) coaches to help them with the team. All coaches must be in good standing with PHWYBS and approved by the Phantoms Player Agent and the PHWYBS Board.
Managers are expected to act responsibly and set a good example for our young players at all times. Managers must adhere to PHWYBS policies and procedures to provide a safe and supportive baseball environment for our players.
All Managers, Coaches, and Volunteers are subject to PHWYBS Board Approval and must complete a PHWYBS Code of Conduct form in addition to a background check.
Travel Team Base Number of Teams
PHWYBS will endeavor to provide teams for ages 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. If numbers are strong at a particular level, the Phantoms Player Agent may add a second team. However, the determination of the number of teams at any level may be determined by both sufficient interest to field a team and/or finding a qualified manager.
Player Evaluations
For those teams with paid coaches, player evaluations are a component of their contract. Prior to the Team executing payment to the coach, the PPA will ask the Team Manager if the coach has delivered player evaluations to all the players. The Team Manager is responsible for ensuring that these evaluations are performed and delivered to the players prior to approving any coach payments.
Next Season’s Tryouts
Prior to the conclusion of each season, PHWYBS will typically communicate the date and times of the tryouts for next season. The Team Manager is responsible for communicating this information to players and their families.
Travel Team Selection
We are a “Tryout based” travel program. All eligible players interested in playing travel baseball/softball will be required to attend the tryouts for the next season if they wish to make a team. Tryouts will be closed to parents. Travel teams will be formed utilizing a blend of data, including; previous season Manager Evaluations, Rating Day Score and Drive-Performance evaluation. This system was intended to provide an objective rating of your child from independent evaluators. However, PHWYBS Board and PPA reserves the right to consider additional information (player sportsmanship, parental sportsmanship and attendance) and/or to schedule makeup tryout sessions to accommodate unique circumstances, including but not limited to: injury, sickness, a family emergency, or a tiebreaker to determine team selection.
The Phantoms Player Agent will be responsible for organizing the Drive-Performance evaluations. The Phantoms Player Agent is not involved in team selection or player evaluations during the tryouts. If any additional information is required to determine team selection, the Player Agent will gather and provide that information to the tryout evaluator(s) for their review.
Parents: Tryouts are difficult for the players… please don’t emphasize or belabor team selection with your player. All players should be congratulated and encouraged. A parent’s disappointment regarding team selection is damaging to our program and your own child’s spirit. In addition, being overly enthusiastic if your player makes a team can send the wrong message as well.
Travel Tryout Process
Each participant will be given a fair opportunity to display their fielding, hitting, pitching, and throwing skills. Additional help may be obtained from non-coaches to complete the tryout drills.
PHWYBS reserves the right to cut down to a manageable number of participants after the first tryout session (if the number of players attending is excessive). If a cut down is going to be used it will be announced at the end of the first tryout session and communicated to the players who do not make the first cut via e-mail or on the website. If listed on the web site, then only the player’s number/color code will be used to post cuts on the website.
If team vacancies occur for any reason prior to the start of the season, then the first cut player (from the tryouts) will be added. The Phantoms Player Agent can hold an additional tryout if this is deemed necessary.
If a player withdraws from a travel team after being selected, but before their travel fee deposit is paid, they will be not be allowed to take part in the next set of travel tryouts for the following season. If a player withdraws from a travel team after their travel deposit has been paid, they will forfeit their travel deposit and they will not be allowed to take part in the next set of travel tryouts for the following season. In effect, they will miss two (2) travel seasons before they can try out for a PHWYBS travel team again. Players can appeal to the PHWYBS Board if they want to be considered for early reinstatement due to unusual circumstances out of their control.
For teams that tryout in the fall, travel fee deposits are due within 30 days of the team selection announcement. The balance of the travel fee is due by April 1st of the travel season. For teams that tryout in the spring, the entire travel fee is due within 30 days or prior to the first travel game (whichever comes first). If the entire travel fee is not paid to PHWYBS by the deadline, the player will not be allowed to attend any travel team event until the fee is paid in full. In addition, PHWYBS reserves the right to open the roster spot and fill it with the next best player (from the tryouts). If a financial hardship makes it impossible for a family to pay the travel fee or deposit on time, PHWYBS must be notified prior to the due date (in writing or by e-mail) so that special arrangements can be considered.
Travel Team Field Usage
In general, our house league has field priority in the spring and travel teams must schedule around the house league field usage in the spring. It is important to coordinate shared fields with representative’s in the house league. Common sense should prevail and common courtesy should be used when working to schedule travel games and practices. We have a limited amount of fields and must be flexible and cooperative to make it all work. Travel managers must communicate with house league officials to coordinate and schedule field usage for their travel team.
Travel Umpires / Field Agents
Umpires must be scheduled in advance with as much notice as possible. It is extremely important that umpires are notified if a game is cancelled. Also notify the house league, if a game is cancelled, so they know that the field is open for usage again.
A Message to Parents
• Parents are asked to be supportive of players and manager/coaches. Part of being supportive is trusting that your coaches are making decisions that are best for the team and leaving coaching decisions up to them.
• Parents are encouraged to practice with children on their own time, using your coaches’ suggestions to work on improving individual skills.
• Interaction with players during games and practices is discouraged allowing players to focus 100 percent of their attention to their coaches and teammates.
• Only positive cheers and words of encouragement are appropriate during games from parents, who are highly encouraged to remain away from the dugout.
• There will be no tolerance of criticism or arguments with umpires.
• Smoking and/or drinking alcohol is not allowed at a PHWYBS Travel Baseball game.
• Travel baseball games can get very intense, which can be fun and exciting, whether they are wins or losses. We ask that everyone work to make that intensity fun and not unnecessarily tense.
• As with all aspects of the PHWYBS, the PHWYBS Board has ultimate authority over the PHWYBS Travel Program. Additionally, Parental Code of Conduct will be strictly enforced.
PHWYBS Travel Team Eligibility Policies and Requirements
1. Travel teams are divided by age group. A player may be the age of the team or less. For travel baseball, the age of the player on May 1st (of the upcoming season) is the youngest age that they are allowed to tryout for. (e.g. If a player will be 12 years old on May 1st but will turn 13 on May 2nd, they are considered a 12 year old player and are allowed to tryout for the 12 year old team or any team of a higher age group).
2. A player may try out for any travel team he or she is eligible to play on. However, no player may try out for more than one travel team for any given season.
3. All travel players must play on a PHWYBS House League team.
a. No travel player may miss more than 10% of his or her House League team’s practices and/or games.
b. Conflicts between regularly scheduled House League events (including House League tournament games) and the travel schedule must defer to House League.
c. Excused illness does not count toward the total of missed events.
d. Any player who violates this rule will not be eligible to play on a PHWYBS travel team during the current season or the next travel season.
4. No member of any travel team may have more than 5 absences (3 games) from any travel event (team meetings, games, or practices) during that team’s “official” season. a. The official season is from April 1st – July 31st.
b. Excused illness / injury and conflicts with the House League schedule will not count toward the total of missed events.
c. Any player who violates this rule will be dropped from the team roster and will not be eligible to play on a PHWYBS travel team during the next season. Players can appeal to the PHWYBS Board if they want to be considered for early reinstatement due to unusual circumstances.
5. Travel fees will be assessed and paid as follows:
a. For teams trying out in the fall - Within 30 days of being selected to a travel team each player will be required to pay PHWYBS a nonrefundable travel fee deposit. The remaining balance of the travel fee will be calculated and due to PHWYBS by April 1st of the upcoming travel season.
b. For teams trying out in the spring - Within 30 days of being selected to a travel team or prior to the first game (whichever comes first) each player will be required to pay the travel fee in full.
PHWYBS Travel Baseball Code of Conduct
I. Philosophy and Objectives of the PHWYBS Travel Baseball Program.
The aim of the PHWYBS Travel Baseball program is to help young baseball players to develop a wholesome attitude toward leadership, to create and maintain loyalties to the travel program and to the team, to improve physical conditioning and playing skills, and to develop a competitive spirit governed by
good sportsmanship. It is the philosophy of the PHWYBS Travel Baseball program that: "IT IS A
PHWYBS." By definition, a privilege is a "special right," and therefore, since it is special, it follows that special responsibilities are then placed upon those who wish to accept this privilege. If a young player is serious about accepting the privilege of competing in travel baseball, he must be willing to accept the following responsibilities:
II. Dress and Appearance
1. As a Phantom player, you are representing PHWYBS in our community and other communities that we play in. PHWYBS expects Phantom players to demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship. You will be expected to follow all league uniform requirements at all times.
2. Wearing jewelry of any type (rings, watches, necklaces, or earrings) will not be permitted during games and practices. (IHSA Rule)
3. Wear uniforms and practice attire properly. You will be required to be fully dressed from the time you get to the field until the time you leave. This includes shirt, socks, and caps. Wear your uniform in a respectful manner at all times.
4. Everyone will be required to wear long pants and to wear proper baseball attire for all games and practices. Spikes and an athletic supporter and protective cup are strongly encouraged at all times.
III. Player Conduct
On the Field
1. Swearing, name-calling, or razzing other players will not be tolerated. This includes chants or chatter to frustrate the other team. Even if the other team is engaged is such behavior, PHWYBS Travel Teams will not get involved in this type of activity.
2. Control your emotions at all times. We need players that will think and then act, not the other way around. Throwing of helmets, bats, gloves or anything in the dugout will not be tolerated and will be disciplined.
3. Treat all officials, opposing coaches and players with respect.
4. During games all players on the bench must assist in shagging foul balls, charting pitches, charting hitters, keeping score, and "keeping house." (Keep helmets and bats neatly lined up, balls in the ball bag, and all other equipment in its place).
5. Never throw balls or swing bats unless a coach is supervising the activity.
6. Any infractions on the articles above will be considered a disciplinary issue and the player will be removed from the roster for the balance of the season and will not be allowed to play on a PHWYBS travel or house team during the current season and the next season as well.
Off the Field
1. You will be expected to conduct yourself in a First Class manner around the PHWYBS community and in any other community you visit for games or practices.
2. Whenever you are representing PHWYBS Travel Baseball you are expected to behave in a respectful manner. That includes any time that you are wearing PHWYBS Travel attire throughout the year. People in our community are familiar with our PHWYBS Travel uniforms, hats, and jackets and you are representing our Baseball program any time you choose to wear your PHWYBS Travel Baseball attire.
IV. Practice and Game Attendance
1. Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to be on time for practice, meetings and games. The team cannot achieve their goals and maintain a winning attitude if players are missing or arriving late for games and/or practices. If you will miss a practice or a game, for any reason, the manager must know about it as soon as possible. If you fail to notify your manager prior to the travel event, that miss will be considered an unexcused absence.
2. The first unexcused absence will impact playing time in the next game.
3. The second unexcused absence will impact playing time and parents will be notified.
4. The third unexcused absence will be considered a disciplinary issue and the player will be removed from the roster for the balance of the season and will not be allowed to play on a PHWYBS travel team during the next season as well. Players can appeal to the PHWYBS Board if they want to be considered for early reinstatement due to unusual circumstances.
5. Players are discouraged from being involved with other sports during the “official” travel baseball season. However, if a player is involved with another sport, they are expected to put their PHWYBS Travel Baseball obligation ahead of that other sport during the “official” travel season.
If a player misses a PHWYBS travel baseball game or practice to take part in another (non PHWYBS) sporting event, they should expect it to have a negative impact on their playing time when they return to their team. Playing time will be impacted in accordance with the number of missed PHWYBS travel baseball events.
6. Players are given up to 5 absences (3 games) during the season to provide them with some flexibility. Any player that exceeds that amount of absences will be removed from the roster for the balance of the season and will not be allowed to play on a PHWYBS travel team during the next season as well. Players can appeal to the PHWYBS Board if they want to be considered for early reinstatement due to unusual circumstances.
PHWYBS Protection of Pitchers Guidelines
In order to protect the developing arms of young pitchers, coaches shall strive to limit the amount of strain and insure pitcher’s arms are properly rested and conditioned. Coaches should make sure that pitchers take appropriate warm-up throws before being placed on the mound. Coaches should also pay attention to the behavior of their pitchers and remove them at the first sign of fatigue or pain even if the pitch limit has not been reached. These limits are used in concert with the inning-per-game limits specified in house and travel leagues and/or travel tournament rules. Pitchers are constrained by whichever limit applies first.
Under development